Credit due to the masterful wizard, Kirjava, for their excellent work on this new take on the cult classic.
TetrisGYM. This is the V6 release.
It is a modification of NES Tetris and includes a wide variety of alternate gameplay features which can be toggled at your leisure.
Please check out this link for more info on these features:
(While the cartridge is in the console, press the reset button 4 - 8 times to switch between NTSC and PAL)
When paused
- Select + Up
Increment save slot - Select + Down
Decrement save slot - Select + A
Save state - Select + B
Load state
During gameplay
- Select + B
Load state
If it hasn't displayed correctly on your console, press the reset button 4 - 8 times to switch between PAL & NTSC regions.